We all know the zodiac sign of Cancer is represented by the crab, but it embodies so much more. Cancer is the cosmic womb, with its glyph symbolizing the union of male and female energies, leading to conception and birth. This is an ideal time to revisit the goddess associated with Cancer, Hera. In one myth, her squirting breastmilk as she feeds a baby Heracules creates the Milky Way galaxy, symbolizing endless possibilities. The Cancer season and the Cancer new moon offer the energy of creation!

Let’s go on a zodiac evolutionary adventure. In Aries, we are born into our primal will to live. Taurus shows us that we have a body to nourish. In Gemini, we become aware of our thoughts. Then, in Cancer, our inner world comes into focus, emphasizing our sense of belonging and, most importantly, the feeling of home within ourselves!
Cancer rules the Moon, which makes this New Moon particularly potent and powerful. If you have a Cancer sun, moon, or rising, you likely feel yourself riding the lunar cycle—experiencing shifting moods and needs over a 28-day period. (This is considering an astrological vacuum, as there could be other ways to feel closely attached to this cycle.) The house ruled by Cancer is where you feel this archetype manifest in your life. Additionally, the element, sign, and house of your natal moon highlight your emotional and physical needs in this world. We can all connect with Luna and live our lives aligned with her cycles, feeling into our roots. This is how our ancestors lived. It is only in our patriarchal society that we have been forced to separate from our feminine selves.
I recently completed a month long Moon School. Each week we gathered as a group and learned about each phase, and most importantly how to cast a seed. It was a very powerful space where all of our energies were working together to nurure our seeds. My mentor Sara is able to create these sacred containers. She has taught me so, so much, I am very grateful for her. This is the process we went through and she encouraged everyone to spread this far and wide for everyone can experience the magic.
New Moon's offer us an opportunities for a fresh start. What sits there? A feeling, a thought, an intention. This is the time to empty our minds so we can hear our highest self. At that moment, our highest self is expressing a desire. That desire becomes our seed. We often think of the word “desire” as being dirty, as if our desires are naughty. However, when connected to our highest self, our desires are for the highest good, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Our egos, influenced by societal mindsets, often get in the way of living our best lives.
The New Moon phase is an action phase, also known as a YANG phase of the moon—there’s power here, an effort to DO. This active phase doesn't last for the entirety of the cycle. After a few days of doing and acting, we enter the YIN phase. This is when we receive, relax, and allow things to come to us. It’s a time to lean into our intuition (not fear) and listen to what is emerging about our seed. These insights could eventually lead us to shift our focus or change direction. However, no action is taken during this phase; we are simply meant to BE, soft and open. Luna continues on her 28-day journey, alternating between YANG and YIN phases, riding the waves.
So join me in casting a seed this moon cycle—there is strength in numbers. Get together with the people you love and cast your seeds together. Speak your intentions to others, sing them, dance them—move them through your body. Love your seeds and send your gratitude to the universe.
🌑Time your seed - it is ideal to cast your seed within 6-12 hours of the peak new moon
🌑Create a sacred space - you can roll out all the bells and whistles with an alter, crystals, etc. but you can also just connect to where you are, clearing your mind. Do not stress over this, as long as it is from your highest good.
🌑Receive the seed - ask yourself “What is standing in between me and my best life?” Listen to your heart, mind, and body. This should feel good!
🌑Name the seed - wording is important. You can cast more than one. For some ideas on wording check out my blog post.
🌑Cast your seed - send your seed into the universe with gratitude. You can burn it, you can just speak it but move the energy to the universe. (If you are burning it, be sure to write it down somewhere else!)
